New Centime AR Features: Customer-Level Workflows, AR Automations, and more!

3 mins

We are thrilled to announce the latest enhancements to Centime’s Accounts Receivable module. These updates introduce powerful new features that will streamline your AR processes, improve team collaboration, and help you manage receivables more effectively.

Two key updates include Customer-Level Workflows and AR Automations, which provide advanced automation and customization options to boost efficiency in managing your receivables. Additionally, we’ve made significant enhancements to our emails, allowing for more personalized communications.

1. Customer-Level Workflows (NEW!)

Managing large volumes of invoices per customer just became a lot easier! With the introduction of Customer-Level Workflows, you can now automate customer communications based on preset schedules and conditions.

Key Features:

  • Custom Scheduling: Set up workflows to automatically send reminders at intervals you specify (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly).
  • Condition-Based Trigger: Ensure you do not overwhelm your customers by setting conditions that limit communication to certain thresholds, such as outstanding balances, overdue percentages, or invoice amounts. This keeps communication relevant and avoids spamming customers with unnecessary emails.
  • Internal Notifications: Automate internal notifications for your team, such as notifying Sales or Customer Success when specific conditions are met, keeping your team informed on payment statuses.
  • History and Tracking: All workflow-triggered emails are recorded in the customer history, providing full visibility into when and why communications were sent.
  • Flexible Template Management: Select and edit email templates to ensure that your messaging is aligned with your communication standards.

How to Use It: Navigate to Settings > Receivables > Workflows > Customer Segment Workflows. From there, you can create a new workflow, set the frequency of the reminders, and add any conditions or actions as needed. For example, you can set a workflow to automatically send reminder emails every Tuesday to customers with an outstanding balance over $91, as shown in the screenshot below.

2. AR Automations (NEW!)

With AR Automations, users can automate communications and internal escalations based on specific events and conditions, helping teams stay proactive in their AR management.

Automation Structure:
AR Automations follow a structure of Event + Condition = Action, as represented below:

  1. Event: The event that triggers the automation, such as "Invoice Days Past Due."
  2. Condition: The condition that must be met, such as "Invoice Outstanding over $1,000."
  3. Action: The resulting action, which could be assigning tasks or sending notifications.

Use Cases:

  • Internal Escalations: For example, if an invoice exceeds $1,000 and is more than 30 days overdue, the system can automatically notify internal teams (e.g., Sales, Customer Success) to take further action.
  • Tailored Communication: Customize communication actions based on the specific event and condition—whether it’s sending reminder emails to customers or alerting internal teams to follow up on overdue invoices.

How to Use It:
Navigate to Settings > Receivables > Automations to set up new automations. Define an event (e.g., "Invoice days past due"), add conditions (e.g., "Invoice outstanding over $1,000"), and specify actions (e.g., notify team members, assign tasks, or send reminder emails).

3. Dynamic Email Customization (Significant Enhancement)

We’ve also made a significant enhancement to our email customization capabilities. With Dynamic Email Customization, users can now personalize their email communications by dynamically adding customer- or invoice-specific information, making each interaction more relevant and professional.

Key Features:

  • Customizable Fields: Include specific details such as company names, outstanding balances, or invoice numbers directly in your emails.
  • Improved Formatting Options: You can now format emails with bold text, bullet points, and hyperlinks to make your communications more impactful and easier to read.
  • Customer and Invoice Delivery Emails: This release specifically enhances the customization of customer, invoice delivery, and monthly statement emails, with plans to extend this functionality to all receivables emails in the next release.

These enhancements help ensure your communications are personalized, clear, and engaging, improving overall customer experience and reducing misunderstandings around payments.

Enhance Your Receivables Management with Centime’s New AR Features

These latest updates to Centime’s Accounts Receivable module bring significant improvements to how businesses manage their receivables. Whether you’re automating reminders for high-volume customers, setting up escalations for overdue invoices, or improving the clarity of your communications, these new features are designed to make your AR processes more efficient and streamlined.

For more detailed information on how to set up and configure these new features, visit our Knowledge Base, or book a demo today. 

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