Collection Campaigns

Boost Cash Flow and Gain Insights  with Targeted Collection Campaigns

Centime’s Collection Campaigns empower businesses to launch targeted and strategic collections efforts tailored to the unique needs of their customer base. By segmenting customers based on their payment behaviors, creating customized collection strategies, and tracking campaign performance in real-time, businesses can streamline collections efforts and enhance financial outcomes.

"Our collections effectiveness has skyrocketed with Centime. Not only do we collect 92% of payments on time now, but when customers pay late, it is on average by just seven days."

John Eckman, CFO

Automate campaign management

Streamline your collections strategy with Centime’s collection campaigns feature to reduce manual effort and increase your team’s productivity. Automated tools help in defining customer segments, crafting personalized collection messages, and scheduling campaigns, thereby improving efficiency without compromising the personal touch.

Identify and categorize customers based on payment history

Centime’s collection campaigns allow for customization of collection strategies that cater specifically to the needs and characteristics of each segment, which leads to better customer relations.

Gain insights with real-time campaign tracking

Monitor key metrics such as customer response rates, amount collected, and overall campaign performance. This data helps refine strategies and make informed decisions to improve future campaigns.

Improve your

customer interactions

Integrate convenient payment options and self-service capabilities into your collection processes. This not only makes it easier for customers to fulfill their obligations but also enhances their overall experience, increasing satisfaction and loyalty.

Collection Campaigns

Boost Cash Flow and Gain Insights  with Targeted Collection Campaigns

Centime’s Collection Campaigns empower businesses to launch targeted and strategic collections efforts tailored to the unique needs of their customer base. By segmenting customers based on their payment behaviors, creating customized collection strategies, and tracking campaign performance in real-time, businesses can streamline collections efforts and enhance financial outcomes.

Talk to an Expert

Our all-in-one cash flow management & banking solution helps businesses scale quickly. Schedule a 1-1 demo with a Centime expert.

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